

In Writer Challenges on November 11, 2009 at 8:29 pm

My lovely readers, it’s another day if the life of a hustling freelancer.  As you can probably guess from the title of this post, I am participating in NaNoWriMo – which is National Novel Writing Month.  It’s day 11 and my word count is a little less that 2,000.  The challenge is 50,000 words in one month, which means I should be writing at least 1,700 words a day (more like 1,600 and some change….but who’s counting?).  I’m behind to say the least.

I’ve had my concept since October, and my outline has been complete since the end of October.  I got my first 1,000 words written a couple nights ago.  That means I started late too.

I’m still committed to being finished with my book by the end of November.  Somehow.

In case you were wondering what kind of book I’m working on, I’ll tell you (I’m just a thoughtful person that way).  I believe many of the participants of NaNoWriMo are working on fiction novels; not me!  Mine is non-fiction.  A memoir based on my experiences with prenatal depression.  Imformative stuff.  Chock full of resources for mothers, future mothers, and friends of mothers that may be at risk for different forms of perinatal depression – including prenatal.  More information on how you can download my book (for FREE) this December is to follow.

Why am I struggling with this NaNoWriMo?  Number one, this is my first time.  Plain an simple.  Anytime you try something new, there’s going to be a learning curve.  I also didn’t do any advance preperation other than my outline.  And mine was meant to be a short story anyway, the outline isn’t lending itself well to the 50,000 word goal.

If you’re considering particpating in NaNoWriMo next year I suggest looking over some resources.

And if all else fails google “NaNoWriMo resources” or some other variation. 

The bottom line here no amount of information will equal your first-hand experience with NaNoWriMo.  Unless you’re accustomed to daily writing of 1,000 words or more, it’s ganraunteed to be a chalenge – rewarding, but a challenge.  And even if you are used to daily writing of 1,000 words or more if you’re not used to daily writing on one book (as opposed to different book projects int he works, blog posts, or articles), it’s also likely to be  challenge.  And that’s okay.  If you don’t complete the 50,000 words the world will not come to a grinding hault.  Everything will be okay, and you’ll probably be a better writer at the end of it with a retty big dent in your novel.

I may not complete the 50,000 word challenge, but I will complete this book by the end of November.  That much I am sure of.

  1. Hello!

    I saw you swung by my blog, and I wanted to do the same. Thanks for your sweet comments. It really helps when I’m down to get some reassurance that someone cares.

    And writing, wow! You must have a talent. I kind of suck at everything. Except sewing. I’m decent at sewing. I have a ton of ideas for books and novels and short stories, but I lack the follow through to finish them.

    Prenatal depression is a huge deal. I had it really bad with my daughter. Like, to the point my husband and I almost divorced. It’s a hard thing to deal with, and just asking for help is even harder… Sometimes next to impossible. No one understands. After all, “You’re having a baby! You should be happy!”

    Anyways, I hope to hear from you again soon.

  2. Wow, you are so ambitious. Good Luck on this challenge!

  3. stopping by from SITS!!!You can do it!!!

  4. Good luck! I think it’s great that you are at least TRYING it. It sounds like your book is going to be a really great resource for many people.

  5. Such diligence!

    If only I had known about NANOWRIMO since I spend my days writing and writing not really knowing where I’m going with it other than finishing my non-fiction book.

    I’m excited for you that you have completed your book and I’m looking forward to reading it!

  6. Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog today … I am a freelance writer also, so this site is great! ;0) I have a number of writing friends doing the Nanowrimo challenge and have really been stretched by it. I am currently working on a book proposal for a writing conference I’m attending in March. Glad to have found your site!

  7. Stopping back over to your blog. Your book sounds like a great read and hope that it’s coming along well as the end of the month is nearing.

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