
About Me

Out to Lunch. Be back soon.

You might have noticed that I haven’t updated here in a while.  The reason for that being the actual business of writing got in the way of my writing about the business of writing.  That, and life in general (two kiddos, full time undergrad study, etc).  So, rather than string you along, I decided to take a little hiatus,  until I can be more consistent here.

Sort of like a lesson I learned a while back about not biting off more than you can chew.

Sometimes you realize, that something has to give.  And that’s okay.

If you’re itching for a fix, you can follow me on Twitter where I’ll tweet about my writing and interesting resources I come across on occasion.  I will check back on comments, so feel free to leave one – they brighten my day!

Now back to our regularly scheduled programming…


Name?  Dominique.  Freelance Writer living in NYC and mother to a two not-so-little bundles of joy (born 08/2008 & 10/2010).

I started this blog to chronicle my journey in the writing industry, in hopes that other beginning/aspiring/confused writers could take  comfort knowing they’re not alone (and hopefully learn from my slip-ups and triumphs along the way).

I have been writing for as long as I can remember.  At first short stories in elementary school, poetry in high school, and finally journalism later in high school and in college.  Now?  Mostly non-fiction and editing work.

My first experience writing for anyone other than myself (besides the usual academic writing in school) was with a youth publication based in Harlem, followed by my high school newspaper.

Pursuing writing professionally is something that I had to build up the courage to do.

I’d known for over a year and a half that I wanted to be a freelance writer before I really did anything about it.  I read all the books, but for quite some time that’s all I did – research, reading, and more research.  Eventually I realized that to be a real writer I had to actually write; and if I ever intend to get paid to write I must pitch.

July-ish ’09 I took the plunge.  I decided to start writing and stop just thinking and reading about writing.

How does a writer become an established writer?  I’ll let you know when I find out.  But I can tell you how a writer becomes a more established writer.  I started writing this blog as a means of keeping my writing on a regular basis, I experimented with writing a web zine, searched for writing groups (I even started my own, when I didn’t find one that fit), I offered to do book reviews for anyone interested, I offered my services to organizations for their newsletters or any other writing services they were in need of, I offered to do guest blog posts on other blogs, and looked around for sites accepting articles.  Nothing in national glossies or major websites yet.  But I’m getting there.

  1. […] I write mostly about parenting and education issues, I also write about Christianity, writing/freelancing, and any other topic […]

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